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Create NFTs

Once you've uploaded your songs, you may choose to create NFTs from some (or all) of them. The process is simple and you'll only need to fill out three minimum requirements in order to create your NFTs for free: price, supply, and resale percentage (a.k.a. creator royalties)

Price & supply

When creating NFTs, it's important to set the maximum quantity available and the price per copy.

NFT FieldsDescription
External URLA URL where you'd like NFT holders to be redirected to.
SupplyTotal number of NFTs available.
PricePrice per copy. Ensure you select the correct currency.

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This will help set your NFTs aside from others. Add descriptive attributes that will incentivise holders to collect more NFTs.

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Creator royalties

Here's where you'll set a "commission" to be earned by the creators whenever the songs are re-sold on secondary market.

NFT ElementDescription
Resale percentagea.k.a. creator royalties. A percentage to be earned by the creators for every secondary market sale.
Creator royalties are not music royalties

Please note that the term "creator royalties" is a commission earned. This is different from music royalties. Whether you decide to create an NFT or not, the royalties generated from metaverse & web3 game usage will still be collected.

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