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Add rightsholders

Third, we'll need to know who the royalties need to be paid to. Add all rightsholders related to this song. Remember to add the publisher & record label too!

Song codeMeaning
NameSearch rightsholders. To create a rightsholder, simply add their name and press the tab key.
IPIInterested Party Information
ISNI International Standard Name Identifier
Wallet addressA public address. Add one for each rightsholder.
NetworkThe type of network the wallet belongs to (currently we allow Solana, Ethereum and Polygon).
PublishingPercentage of publishing credited to each rightsholder.
Master recordingPercentage of the master credited to each rightsholder.
No wallet address?

If you don't have a wallet address for each rightsholder, you can keep this field empty. We'll keep their funds safely in custody for them to claim.

We highly recommend adding a wallet address for faster payouts

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Manage rightsholders

Some rightsholders want to protect and track their IP but not sell NFTs. For those that would like to sell their songs as NFTs, you'll just need to add information about the price, supply, and what percentage of secondary market sales the creators will receive.

NameSearch rightsholders. To create a rightsholder, simply add their name and press the tab key.
IPIInterested Party Information
ISNI International Standard Name Identifier
Privacy modeSelect this option if you'd like to keep these details encrypted. Keeping the privacy mode off will make these codes public on chain.

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